Seth Leeper coveting colors i mix them with egg and bone pour sheer might into the base i have to or the hues will die without a body when they emerge from my own ochre springs from one nostril just in time to burrow into a tin can crimson squeezes free from a toenail much too copious for the available thimble vermillion slithers forth from an earlobe to spiral headfirst to the floor carmine careens from a burst valve in the wrist to rest in a hastily procured tupperware chartreuse excretes from follicles in a convex spigot spraying itself onto shrinking walls violent violet exposes in toxic rays shattering window panes of unknown origin i only keep those i birth locked in their chosen homes though at night they beg for a canvas i can’t permit to inanimate life that which sprang from flesh swingers poems are often brief so i’ll engage with this briefly and be on my way like a reflection that fills in to be a person somehow i find myself refracted on open doors rolling down cracked wood like my favorite slide that burned my bare cherubic thighs in the hot sun as a child not yet immune to the labor of sunburn on hamstrings the burning of the outer innocent edges which is where i’ve placed my heart for safe keeping and it sweats in response to the heat approaching so even as it swings and rocks back and forth like the dazzling trapeze artist that is every person daring enough to salvage their heart from the kiln i have hope enough to forget all the reasons i placed it there in the first place Seth Leeper is a queer poet. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Coastal Shelf, Gertrude Press, Noisemaker Magazine, Xenith Magazine, Awosting Alchemy, and Mythic Circle. He holds an M.A. in Special Education from Pace University and B.A. in Creative Writing and Fashion Journalism from San Francisco State University. He lives and teaches in Brooklyn, NY, with his cat, Rocket.previous page contents next page
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